Windy Run & Bakery Drawing

Workout: 11 M at the Meadows

Today's run was windy for almost the entire way, which made it difficult especially running uphill. A tall, thin frame definitely does not fair well against the wind so I had to push harder to keep moving forward. I pumped my arms more, leaned forward more, pushed off the ground more, and worked harder to pick up my legs. I ended up averaging 10 sec slower per mile than yesterday on the same route but I definitely felt that I worked harder. Maybe running against the wind will make me stronger. I dont mind the cold, but I hope that it isn't too windy on race day. I used a $25 voucher at the Snowcreek Resort to get a free pair of soft comfy purple sweatpants.

I drew a picture and wrote a poem to give to the bakery because I thought it would be nice for the bakers who arrive at 2 am and are rarely seen or appreciated for their delicious bread, pastries, cookies, and chocolates. The lady who I gave it to said that it ought to be laminated and put it on the wall for the bakers to see. She had a genuine smile and was very thankful, and it made me happy to see that art can show appreciation and be so meaningful for those who cherish it. I bought a picture frame for the Starbucks drawing that I am working on and I also found a cool green mug that has painted on it "Mammoth Lakes" along with oars and pine trees; I plan on giving it to a best friend in San Jose who collects mugs from different cities that she visits.


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