How To Keep Your Resolutions - like an Olympic Hopeful

Brazen New Year's Eve Half Marathon 12/30/18
A New Year

At the sunrise of the new year,
I lace up my running shoes and hit the trails
To train for the Olympic Marathon Trials,
Flying past people walking and bikers passing,
Glancing at shy deer behind the bushes
And listening to the creek flow and birds chirp.

When the trail ascends, my heart beats faster
And my muscles work harder,
Both eyes fixed on the hilltop,
Nothing could break my focus.

When the end is reached, 
I give my tired legs a few seconds to rest,
Take a few deep breaths, then head back,
Flying past people walking and bikers passing
All the way home.

At the sunrise the next day,
The wind blows and rain pours down,
I take an extra moment to gather my focus,
Remembering that hard times build character.
I pull on a hooded jacket,
Lace up my running shoes and hit the road
To train for the Olympic Marathon Trials.

With the new year comes new resolutions - improvement in fitness, work, school, sports, relationships, or another part of your life that you aspire to change in order to become the person that you envision. All it takes is a single step, then another, and persistence to keep at it even on those "rainy days." But keep in mind that life is not perfect. If you wait for the perfect conditions to begin that change, a sunny day or a good day at work, it will take longer and be harder to achieve your goals. Every person who has accomplished something great - a promotion, gold medal, or 20-pound weight loss, has faced challenges and has sacrificed a lot to get there. 

When it comes to training, I make running a priority by having a set time for it - first thing in the morning. I plan ahead by writing down my workouts for the week and the mileage of each long run leading up to my next marathon race. I stick to the planned workout despite the weather, school load, and my own feelings, and that discipline is what keeps me moving forward and improving.

And, I pack in plenty of nutrious foods in my meals from Freshii. The Pangoa bowl is pictured above and has brown rice, kale, avocado, beans, chicken, beets, and other fresh ingredients that refuel me and keep me energized for the day! How else could an average runner go from 3 hr 8 min to 2 hr 37 min in the marathon within a couple years? Make this the year when you lace up your shoes, toe the starting line, and at the sound of the gun not walk but run toward achieving your resolution. And, if you share your resolution, there will be family, friends, and people on the sidelines to cheer for you along the way and help keep you on your feet when the road gets rough.
Lexus Riverside Reindeer Half Marathon 12/2/18


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