National Running Day 5K Photos

National Running Day 5K Photos!

June 8, 2018

The National Running Day 5K was a fun time to get together with runners in the area! At 5:30 pm, participants signed in, pinned on their race bib, and stretched. The 5K run started at Freshii at 6 pm with an opening message from the Freshii owner. The course was a loop around the neighborhood and included a mile along a nice paved path with orange trees and shade. We put on our best smiles for the photographers at the start/finish and at mile 1. We rehydrated with water and Nuun at mile 1.5. There were runners from the Riverside Road Runners, Lopers, Redlands Runegades, and 100 Mile Club. I ran alongside an 11-year old boy at 8 min/mile pace and he said he once ran 30 miles in just over 6 hours. He has true talent for running and he enjoys it too! One runner stopped mid-race to move a chick that was in the middle of the path, and she still placed first female finisher. After the race, we re-energized with Freshii juice samples on the outdoor patio. I passed out the awards for top finishers and raffle prizes, which included Freshii free meal cards, Nuun electrolytes, and Honey Stinger waffles, protein bars, and energy gels. Then, I gave tips on “Training in The Heat” which featured the 4 main points: Hydration, Exertion, Apparel, and Timing (HEAT as an acronym). Afterwards, many of us ate a healthy meal at Freshii which was where we got to sit down, chat, and laugh together! Having this running event at Freshii was the perfect spot because the healthy menu items and “Eat Energize” logos and pictures of juicy fruits and vegetables on the wall promoted a healthy lifestyle, which is how I fuel my body for training and overall wellness and how other athletes can also! 

And a huge THANK YOU to those named below who contributed to making this event a success!
Freshii owner: Darrin Little
Photographers: Michael John Stanley, Dany Schimpf
Water/Nuun Station: Bob Prado
Registration/Timing: Burzotta Bobbi
Printing flyers/poster: Kim Mik

Awards & Raffle prizes: Nuun, Honey Stinger, Freshii


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